Sunday, April 23, 2017

More REAL Easter Eggs!! -- Western Bluebird Nestbox Monitoring - April 23rd, 2017

Sunday 2017-04-23 (10:00-11:00): More real Easter eggs in "our" nestboxes!!!

Box #1: Two small sticks inside the box and droppings on the roof. Otherwise, still empty.

Box #2.
Box #2: Some shavings inside the box, but otherwise still empty.

Box #3.
 Box #3: Tree Swallows were seen entering/exiting the box. More feathers have been added to the nest, but there were no eggs yet.
Box #4.

Box #4: There is a new nest of straw, with one light-blue egg (probably a Western Bluebird)!!

Box #5: Empty. Removed a small Vespid and nest in the upper corner.

Near Box #6; We are being watched.
Box #6: Nest present, with feathers, but no eggs yet. A pair of Tree Swallows sat together very nearby while we checked their box. We were also repeatedly dive-bombed.

Box #7: Empty. This box is shaded in the morning, which may not be ideal.

Box #8; Three Tree Swallow eggs.
Box #8: Tree Swallows were seen entering/exiting the box, as in weeks prior. But now there are now three small, very white (almost translucent), and tapered eggs! The Tree Swallows returned to the box as soon as we moved away.

Box #9. The eggs looks white in the photos, but they were blueish.
Box #9, four eggs.
Box #9: This nest has a very deep cup, and two more little blue eggs have been added (making for a total of four now)! There are no feathers incorporated into the nesting material. Bluebirds were seen entering and exiting the nest. We also watched half a dozen Tree Swallows swooping around and landing on this box. One was quite interested in looking down the hole of the metal pole. The Bluebirds seemed to be sitting at and protecting the nestbox entrance quite frequently. They also sat on the vineyard stakes directly opposite the box.

Box #10: The nest that had been started is still unchanged. No eggs present.
Box #10.

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